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The story of New Millennium Evangelical Church is actually God’s story—a story of how He called, set apart and gathered a group of believers for His name’s sake.

From Him, Through Him, For Him

(A Look Back at 20 Years of God’s Faithfulness)

He who started a good work in you will be faithful not only to sustain but also to complete and make perfect what was began. The story of New Millennium Evangelical Church is actually God’s story—a story of how He called, set apart and gathered a group of believers for His name’s sake. As we celebrate twenty years of God’s goodness and faithfulness in writing this story, let us once again reminisce and remember how it all started, how God worked, is working and will continue to work in each one of us individually and together corporately (as one body). And as He continues to weave this tapestry that is NMEC’s future, we look forward with hope and expectation at the glorious chapters to be written ahead.

Called by God

The early church got a jumpstart when the Holy Spirit descended upon the gathering of a group of Christ-followers after Jesus’ resurrection. In September of 1999, God also gave a gathered group of believers a common vision and desire to establish a “renewing” church. As they prayed together, He revealed more and more of Himself and His plans. This shared revelation from God has become the vision of N-M-E-C.

The story of New Millennium Evangelical Church is actually God’s story—a story of how He called, set apart and gathered a group of believers for His name’s sake.

Just as God gave Abraham the promise of a land, a nation or a people and spiritual blessings, He also gave these to His church. On June 25, year 2000, the formation of the New Millennium Evangelical Church was officially announced. The name was chosen because of its founding in the new millennium. The next day, the church was formally incorporated. Barely a month later, on July 12, the first prayer meeting was held. This was followed by the inaugural worship service on October 8. For posterity’s sake, the worshippers that day were asked to leave behind colorful palm prints. These actually became reminders of God’s hand all throughout NMEC’s story in the years to come.

Not only the people, God also blessed His church with a 1600-square meter lot in the heart of Malate. And as more and more co-workers commit to our God-given vision, His spiritual blessings continue to pour down upon His church.

Land – People – Blessings.


Dedicated to God

Whenever God calls, He always provides the means and the resources to accomplish His plans. The members responded, just as in the time of King David, each giving the best of what they have—time, talent and treasures for the building of His sanctuary. Some even gave out of their need. And the congregational offering was like a sweet aroma, pleasing unto the Lord. In just less than three years, the house of the Lord was miraculously completed with provisions only He could have supplied. On March 2, 2003, this sanctuary was dedicated to God before the assembly of believers. Not only the building, but the people were dedicated unto Him. The co-workers all made a pledge of commitment before Him and the entire congregation showed their support by the lighting of candles.

Through the years, God also called together a group of servants to serve in His sanctuary. Ministering together with a team of able co-workers who selflessly dedicated their time, spiritual gifts and resources, together, they advance the work of His Kingdom. God’s guidance and anointing are upon them as they carry out the original purposes of the church—to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through His greatest commandment (to love God and to love others) and in the end, to ascribe all the glory to Him.   

Today, as we rededicate our church sanctuary to our Founder, Jesus Christ, we also rededicate “our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This is [our] spiritual act of worship” (Romans 12:1).

Sustained by God

When the early church continued to meet, pray and share the Gospel, the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved (Acts 2:47). In the same way, as NMEC members continue to meet, pray and reach out, God began to grow her ministries. From the first rehearsal of the New Millennium Sanctuary Choir on August 5, 2000 to the first Sunday School class thereafter, NMEC’s budding ministries continue to sprout. These were followed subsequently by the 1st New Millennium Enrichment Camp during the Holy Week of 2001 and the 1st Vacation Bible School in May of that same year.


From one milestone to the next, the Lord continues to expand her church. Soon, regular ministries across all age groups were started—Bong Un Ministry to Seniors, Joshua and Women’s Ministry, BizPro Ministry, Junior Worship Service, small group discipleship ministry, NMEC Cherubim, New Millennium Male Chorale, sports ministry, medical consultation ministry, and more recently, NMEC Kids’ Worship and discipleship, ENGAGE Youth Fellowship and the Joyful Hope Counseling Ministry.    

Just as the early church was called to go out of their comfort zone to multiply God’s Kingdom work, NMEC was also called to step out of her borders to reach more people for God’s name. The first church plant—NMEC Metro North—held its inaugural worship service in July 2014. This was followed by the Mandarin-speaking worship service one year after (in September 2015). Now, at twenty, the peak of her growing-up years, NMEC continues to aim at greater heights for God’s glory.

Shining for God

God blessed His church, not for her own sake, but for her to be a blessing to others.

The vision God has given us is not confined to the four walls of our church structure. We are called to take His Gospel to the ends of the earth. Today, God is using NMEC to be His hands and feet to reach not only Metro Manila (through our urban poor and livelihood outreaches), and our nation (through our short-term mission trips, church-supported local missionaries as well as our new church plant in Northern Samar) but also our world. With partner ministries in Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, and soon in Bhutan, Tibet and Pakistan, we are heeding His call to be the salt and light to shine for Him among unreached people groups across the globe.

Today, it is with thanksgiving that we celebrate our 20th founding anniversary. Since our inaugural worship service on October 8, 2000, until today, from our humble beginnings at Dasma Corporate Center to our present worship venue, God’s grace has been more than sufficient for our needs. In the past two decades, He has done immeasurably more than we have ever asked or imagined. As we look forward to the challenges and opportunities in the future, we boldly declare that we won’t go unless God’s presence is with us and that He goes before us. And as the return of our Master and our church’s Founder, Jesus Christ, draws nearer, may we remain faithful to finish the task that He has entrusted to us.  May we seize every opportunity to attempt greater things for Him. May the same passion that ignited our hearts 20 years ago, compel us to unite together to take hold of our present in order to blaze a trail for our glorious future!






每當神呼召的時候,祂總是提供方法和資源來完成祂的計劃。會眾的回應,就像大衛王時代一樣, 每人把自己最好的——時間、才幹和金錢都奉獻出來,建造祂的聖堂。有些人甚至在缺乏中仍然奉獻。會眾的供物好像馨香的祭,是神所喜悅的。在不到三年的時間裡,神的殿奇蹟般地完成了,完全是靠著祂的供應。200332日,聖堂在聚集的信徒前奉獻給神。不僅是這座建築物,連個人都獻給了祂。同工們都在祂面前許下承諾,全體會友都點起了蠟燭以示支持。




今天,我們感恩慶祝我們教會成立二十週年紀念日。從我們2000108日的第一次崇拜,到今天;從我們在Dasma Corporate Center的卑微起步,到我們今天的崇拜場所,神的恩典已經遠超我們的需要。在過去的20年中,祂所做的遠遠超過了我們所求所想的。當我們展望未來的挑戰和機會時,我們放膽宣告,只要神與我們同在,並在我們前面開路,我們就會繼續前行。隨著我們的主,我們教會的創設者,耶穌基督再來的日子越來越近,願我們堅守信心,完成祂託付給我們的任務。願我們抓住每個機會,為神嘗試更大的事。願20年前點燃我們的同樣激情,驅使我們團結起來,把握現在,為我們榮耀的未來開闢道路!